APFS, safe saves, inodes and the volfs file system

The Eclectic Light Company

Whether your Mac is booted from an APFS volume, or HFS+, and regardless of what storage is connected to it, there are other file systems you can use without so much as changing format. The most useful of these are based on a scheme in which each volume has a unique number, and every file and folder has another number unique to that volume – these are inodes in the volfs file system. Instead of a path such as /Users/me/Documents/bigDocs/thisOne.mov, you can instead refer to that file as /.vol/16777224/363940889.

Wherever you might move that item within the same volume, and however you might change its name, using that volfs path will always locate it.

Inodes and volfs paths aren’t intended for use in the GUI, and aren’t revealed in the Finder’s Get Info dialog, for instance. Unless you have very unusual ability, remembering two very large numbers isn’t a good…

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