Under the hood of Kubernetes and microservices

Under the hood of Kubernetes and Microservices

CloudMelon Vis

In this blog, we’ll start to talk about the migration journey and innovation journey before diving into different architecture types of applications, from monolith then look at the principles of microservices as well as the basics of Containers and Kubernetes through the architectural perspectives. After getting a basic understanding of all these things, we can have a closer look at a few options of using DevOps tools to help enterprises boost the productivity, in particular, using Jenkins X as their main CI/CD tools while working with Kubernetes although we got a couple of other options as well. 

From monolithic to the microservices architecture

Back to the day, monolithic architecture has been popular over the last decades before the cloud became a trend. Monolithic architecture based applications tend to layer the structure into three tiers or N-tier applications, which basically like the following :

  • A presentation layer also called the front-end…

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