METASPLOIT: Hacking windows 7 exploit

Hasnain Ali Blog

Hey Guys. I will be giving a quick dirty how-to of exploiting a windows velunurbility to login to remove system with out username and password using Metasploit


1. MetaSploit Installed (Preferably BackTrac)

2. Ruby Installed (Install all the package of Ruby to avoid any issues)

3. Two OS running either on same as virtual or physically different

4. Target host must not be running any AV

Here are the quick Steps.


Machine 1: Host Linux Machine

Machine 2: Target Windows 7 Machine

Step 1:

Download and Install Metasploit Framework Source Code on the Machine 1. I prefer downloading from SVN. run the given below command on CLI

svn co


Download directly from here:

Step 2:

Locate the file msfconsole. In my case it was under /opt/framework-x.x.x/app

Run it as ruby msfconsole


Step 3:

Now once you get the msf> prompt type the below command


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