A Couple of DAHBOO777 Videos… So What is Going on with This??? “Cyber-Attacks”? “Internet Outages”?

Flash Movie Review: The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies


It has been a long time; some people had relationships that were of a shorter duration. When we first met my eyes were dazzled by your beauty and my mind was tickled by your fanciful creativity. You showed me places I had only read about in books, never imagining I would see them come to life. I so enjoyed listening to your stories as the images you created appeared before my very eyes. You had this ability to sweep me away to a place where I could forget my problems and let the little boy inside of me come out to play. The years have been good to us. Like any relationship we settled into an easy comfort as we grew old together. Though my hearing and vision may not be as good as it used to be, I still looked forward to the tales you would tell me. After…

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Meet the bots that made half the web’s traffic in 2014